The Craven and Pamlico Counties Children’s Advocacy Center is a safe and supportive space where professionals work together to provide specialized care for children who have experienced abuse or trauma. We offer a child-focused approach, ensuring the child's well-being, protection, and healing while also assisting with legal and therapeutic services. Through coordinating and consolidating the efforts of various agencies who investigate and intercede in child abuse cases, we can provide necessary services to child victims and their families, reducing multiple interviews and lessening the trauma child victims endure.

Multidisciplinary collaboration.

Why it works.


Offering a child-friendly atmosphere, Craven and Pamlico Counties Children’s Advocacy Center of Southmountain Children and Family Services is led by a highly trained center director who conducts (and records) a professional forensic interview. A medical provider, specifically trained in sexual abuse examinations, conducts a forensic medical exam on-site typically eliminating the need for an emergency room visit.

The multidisciplinary team, comprised of representatives from all intervening agencies, frequently review active cases. In addition to gleaning information to prosecute the perpetrator in the case, the team also ensures that the victims and their families receive assistance and services to begin the healing process.

Craven & Pamlico Counties Children’s Advocacy Center Services


    A neutral, fact-finding interview conducted by a trained professional which is legally defensible in court


    Forensic medical examinations are performed by a medical provider specifically trained in the investigation and treatment of child sexual and physical abuse.


    Through mental health counseling such as trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT), an effective treatment in reducing children's traumatic symptoms, children and their families can begin to heal and recover.


    Investigative agencies, community support services and others who work with child victims of abuse and their non-offending family members work collaboratively to build a solid case for the prosecution of child abusers. The team ensures that abuse victims and their families receive services, support, and treatment to begin the healing process.


    Children’s Advocacy Centers raise community awareness about child abuse and provide resources for the safety and protection of children.